You make an interesting point about the supposed distinction between those we 'know' and those we 'can't know.' However, I would not say that any trans person is faking it simply to experience a sort of Tiresias philosophical gender journey. Dysphoria is not the only way one can learn that they are trans, and most of the trans community has moved beyond this metaphysical "wrong body" idea, that is almost universally considered an expression to describe a feeling. Less people are even defaulting to that as a political statement, in my observation. That said, please do not misgender or deadname anyone in the comments section of my story. Abigail's name is Abigail, and her pronouns are she/her. Even if this transition-experimenting was a rampant thing, it wouldn't be right to contradict what someone says about themself, and Abigail has made it clear how she is to be referred to.